Relieving Frustration By Providing a Daily, Healthcare-Specific Cleaning Program
Issue: Frustrated that its current cleaning services contractor repeatedly misses days of cleaning service.
Facility switches to Clean Team because its unique janitorial employee management tools ensure that no shift is ever missed.
A local medical facility discovers day after day that its current cleaning contractor is missing service—creating significant sanitation risks and violations for the facility. The facility learns that the contracted employee assigned to its building was regularly calling off work and that the contractor did not have a back-up plan in place to cover the shift.
Concerned for patient safety, the facility called Clean Team looking for a professional cleaning services solution. Clean Team responded immediately and implemented a customized, healthcare specific cleaning program.
Clean Team has never missed a day of cleaning service at that facility—or any other facility—due to its unique management approach and tools. All employees are required to use a physical landline in their designated building to clock in and out for each shift. The time-keeping system is monitored nightly by Clean Team management and reviewed each morning by Clean Team’s office staff to ensure that all buildings have been properly serviced.
Knowing that Clean Team is monitoring the cleaning services provided at its building, the medical facility is now able to relax and focus on its patients.